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Did you know?

Alexis Martin

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill SB 4-D: Building Safety on May 26, 2022. According to the statute, all condominium or cooperative buildings that are 25 or 30 years of age and have three or more floors in height require a structural integrity assessment otherwise known as a Milestone Inspection.

The inspection shall be done in two phases:

Phase ☝️: Limited visual observation and a report outlining the condition of the building's primary structural members and systems. Any noted condition that negatively affects the building's structural integrity or pose as a life-safety issue to its occupants must be documented.

Phase ✌️: If substantial deterioration is detected during phase one, the phase two milestone inspection becomes mandatory and may include non-destructive testing using a ground penetrating radar, probing or removal of finishes for further observation.

Failure to adhere to the requirements of SB 4-D could bring about unwanted headaches 🤕

Contact us today for your free consultation.

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