E N G I N E E R I N G & F O R E N S I C S
Our wide range of services are backed by technical experts. We will put our considerable experience, expertise, and resources to work for you.
Structural Design
At Greville Consulting, we understand the unique challenges of new design projects whether that be sustainable building design, analysis, or evaluation of alternative systems. Our team of experts provides comprehensive structural engineering solutions that are cost-effective and efficient, ensuring the success of your project.
Construction Administration
We have extensive experience in providing the following Construction Administration and Inspection services for all types of buildings:
Review of structural shop drawings and other structural submittals
Consultations with contractor
Review of owner change orders
Quality monitoring of structural systems
Special Inspection
Renovation, Restoration, Repair, & Assessments
Services offered for existing buildings include review of available documents for existing construction, structural conditions assessments, structural recertification, milestone inspections, underwater sea wall inspections, and drone surveys.
Legal and Insurance Support Services
Destructive and non-destructive investigations, reviews, preparation of reports, forensic engineering, and expert witness services.
Home Inspections
Whether you are purchasing a new home or just looking for some reassurance that your current home is structurally sound, we can help.
Owner Representation and Project Management
We provide owner representation to serve as a liaison and ensure that the owner's best interest are carried out.
Additional Services
Architectural Services (Caribbean Region Only)
If you are looking to design a home or commercial building displaying a reflection of the islands' past, blending with modern-day elements, style and charm - we are fit for the task.
In addition to our wide range of engineering services, we also provide architectural services for our clients that are located in the caribbean region.